Jan 23, 2007


I received the title to the scooter yesterday. When you buy a scooter on the internet you don't get a title with it. About two weeks ago I received a Application for Title form and an Odometer statement form. I returned them with payment for sales tax and fees. Sometimes scooter sellers only give you a Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin, which you then must take to the BMV to get a title made. I think Rakatak sent me the title because it was an in-state sale. I would judge this as a positive experience because I have heard of people waiting 3 or 4 weeks just to get an MCO.

Winter has (unfortunatley) finally arrived. Three inches of snow Sunday with temperatures forecast in the low 30's with high winds the rest of the week. So I doubt the scooter will be out for a while. My posts here will be scooter related, but I may not have any updates regarding mine for a while. I hope y'all keep reading anyway.

1 comment:

ccm2361 said...

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have had my eye on one of those scooters myself. I bought a 50cc scooter back in 2005 & I love it. I can share your feelings about winter, I miss riding!(I live in Michigan)I ride my scooter mostly to work & back. But as I now live much farther from work I am looking to upgrade. Rakatak is one of the dealers I have been watching. What is your general opinion of Rakatak? Just curious.
Here is a scooter club site that may be of use to you.
http://chinesescoots.forumwise.com/I am a Moderator on the forum there under the name of "scootin". If you want to talk to other scooter owners or have any kind of question or problem with your scoot, someone there can help you out. Thanks again